How to Write Cold Emails and Get Quick Responses

Email concept with person using a laptop in a chair

If you are tired of having so many unanswered cold emails, you should know you are not alone. But have you ever wondered what makes your inbox stand out? We can help you get your cold email marketing on track because we’ve got the secrets. In a world of digital noise, getting those quick responses is like striking gold.

Are you ready to unlearn what you know and learn how to write proper cold email campaigns? Let’s kickstart this journey!

What is A Cold Email?

A cold email is often an unsolicited message sent to people deemed as potential clients to form a relationship and start an interaction with them. These messages can serve different purposes, like networking, sales, or job inquiries. 

When cold emailing, it’s important to grab the recipient’s attention right from the start. You want them to open the email right? So, you have to start with an attractive line that will keep them glued. You also have to show hints of the value you bring. But here is the main challenge: how can you make your message stand out among the dozens of emails in their inbox? That is where we come in. Stay on and discover different ways to write excellent cold emails. 

How to Write Your Cold Email and Get Quick Responses 

The following are different ways to write effective cold emails for fast responses:

Personalize your Emails 

What does this mean? Personalizing your cold emails means making each message unique and specific for each client or recipient. It’s about doing better than employing the use of generic messages and taking your time to find out about the recipient’s background and study their interests. 

Personalized emails are so effective because there is a higher likelihood you will grab the recipient’s attention and get a response. When people feel that you’ve studied them in detail to understand them as a person and their challenges, they’re more likely to engage your email. 

To do this the right way, you should:

  • Look up your potential customers LinkedIn profile or search up their names on any search engine so you can get any available information about them
  • Identify shared interests or experiences that you can mention in your email. This can help create a good connection
  • If you find out that they or their company have been in the news recently, you can mention it in your email. It shows you’ve studied them in detail.
  • You should use their name to address them. It personalizes the conversation and makes the email less generic. 
  • Highlight how your product or service can specifically solve their problems. 

Create an Engaging Subject Line

The email subject line is the first thing recipients see, so it needs to be good enough to entice them. But the problem is, how do you write cold email subject lines that grab attention?

You should answer this first: What makes you click on an email? Is it curiosity or relevance? You should write your opening line in a way that triggers these emotions. You should also employ the use of action verbs or intriguing questions to generate interest. 

Additionally, you should keep it short and sweet. Lengthy subject lines might get boring, making them lose their impact. 

Start with an Agreeable Statement

This means starting your email with a sentence or question that sparks something in the recipient and forces them to acknowledge a common understanding. But how does this improve the chances of being responded to? 

When a recipient reads something relatable, it is more likely to get their attention. It proves to them that you have done your homework and you understand what’s happening. 

When you start with something that resonates with them, it is easier to establish a rapport and get them to nod along. It humanizes your message and lays the foundation for a meaningful conversation

Highlight Benefits, Not Features

It’s important you realize there is a distinct difference between the benefits and features of your products or services, and ensure you only emphasize on the benefits. This is essential because it helps you communicate the value of your products better. 

Can you recognize the difference? Features describe what your product or service does, while benefits explain how it can be of value to the recipient. 

To give an example, imagine saying “Our software has a user-friendly interface”(a feature) instead of saying “Our software makes your work easier with its user-friendly interface”(a benefit).

Why does this matter? Highlighting your product’s benefits proves to the recipient that you are aware of their challenges and you are offering a solution. It makes them more interested in your offering. 

Benefits are a powerful way to capture the recipient’s attention and encourage a positive response. Remember to focus on them. 

Keep It Concise 

Brevity is ensuring you deliver your messages clearly and directly without unnecessary fluff. It is important to do this and why? It’s almost impossible to be interested in reading a lengthy email from a stranger. Keeping it short respects the recipient’s time and increases the chances of them reading your entire email. 

Most recipients often skim emails, so concise sentences stand out. 

Use Persuasive Language

This means choosing enticing words and phrases that will make the recipient interested and persuade them to engage with your message. It helps to convey your message in a way that impresses the recipient and encourages them to do what you want, which can be responding to the email or scheduling a call.

To use persuasive language, you should include words like “immediately”, or” limited time offer” so you can create a sense of urgency that will encourage them to respond sooner. You should also use straightforward language to convey your message. Using ambiguous or vague words might confuse them. 

Finally, you should employ the use of words that make the recipient feel special. Phrases like “exclusive access” or “specially selected for you” will work. 

Provide Social Proof

Social proof is evidence that others rate you. They have found your product or service useful or valuable. It can build credibility and trust with your email recipient. 

Why is this important? Social proof can improve the recipient’s perception of your offerings. When there is proof that others have benefitted, they are more likely to trust your claims and consider you more seriously. How do you go about it?

  • Use quotes from satisfied customers who have used your product or service and have positive feedback. Share their stories in your email.
  • You should also provide examples of real-world cases where your product or service has helped to solve similar problems. 
  • You should also include awards if your product or business has received some. It helps to establish authority. 
  • If your product has ever been endorsed by notable and trusted celebrities, you can also consider mentioning their support. 

Include a Clear Call to Action (CTA)

A CTA is a specific instruction that tells the recipient what you intend to do next. When used effectively, it can prove to be useful. It guides the recipient and tells them what to do. Without a clear CTA, the recipient might be unsure about how to respond which can result in failure on your part. 

There are some tips to be aware of before using CTA:

  • It’s important you clearly state what action you want the recipient to take. For example, if you want them to call you, you say “Let’s schedule a call for next week.”
  • You should also ensure what you are asking them to do is something easy to do. Provide any necessary information to make it as simple as possible. 
  • Employ the use of action verbs like “download”, “join” or “reply”. They prompt the recipient to take action. 
  • Finally, you should highlight the benefits so the recipient realizes what they will gain by following the CTA.

Follow Up Strategically

Following up strategically is important because not all recipients will see your initial cold email. They might have been busy or might have just missed it. Hence, it’s important you follow up so you can keep the conversations alive. 

It’s important to maintain a polite and professional tone in your follow-up emails, and also reference your initial email to remind them. You can also provide additional value in the follow-ups. You don’t know what might pique the recipient’s interest. 

Furthermore, acknowledge the fact that they’ve been busy in your follow-up email so it’s understandable that they missed your mail. And finally, avoid sending the same cold email template multiple times. Changing your approach maintains the attraction. 


Perfecting the art of writing cold emails can improve your professional game massively. But, how will you put these strategies into action? Following the tips mentioned in this article will help you do that. 

With these tools in your hand, you can go ahead and start writing those awesome cold email templates that open doors, build connections, and drive results. Effective cold emails better the chances of getting that response that transforms your professional journey. 

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