Organizing Your Domains: How to Implement an Effective Digital Asset Management System

Digital Asset Management System

As a domain investor, you have several domains, and you may probably be using digital asset management. But somehow, you’re thinking that the system does not help you much in managing them all. Are you still having a hard time retrieving digital assets? Is keeping track of your domains still a struggle for you?

You might then be also asking, is Digital Asset Management (DAM) still worth investing in? The answer is yes. You just have to know the right way of implementing the system for you and your users. But first, let us discuss why the DAM system is necessary for you to have.

Why Digital Asset Management System Is Important

Digital asset management, or DAM, has been one of the most vital investments of domain investors. It is a platform used for storing, organizing, retrieving, securing, and managing digital assets. It can be used for a wide variety of files in various digital file formats, from images, videos, documents, to NFTs, cryptocurrencies, and domain names.

For a domain investor with a number of domain names, it is ideal to make use of the digital asset management platform to properly organize digital assets. Aside from the fact that it is cost-efficient and time-saving, it provides protection and security for the domains, and can also be used for domain evaluation.

It is important that you, as a domain investor, know how to maximize these benefits. You may already be using DAM software, but how do you implement it effectively? Although DAM is a way to organize your domains, maintaining a standard and structured order is still up to you. Below are the factors to consider to have a valuable digital asset management system. 

How To Have an Effective Digital Asset Management for Domains

Audit assets

Just like any other business, you must have an inventory of all your assets. As a domain owner, a regular audit of your assets is essential. It is vital to keep track of all your domains. And the first step in doing that is to have an asset audit. But how can you manage to do an audit effectively, especially if you already have multiple domains in your portfolio? You may have other digital files in your system that searching for your domains becomes a hassle.

First, you must identify the asset type. This will help you in sorting out your files and in creating your folder structure. By identifying your assets, you can then categorize them according to their type and organize them in folders. Having a specific location for your domains will make it easier for you to find them. Periodic audits will help you track the progress of your domains as well. 

Add tags

Labeling your domains with the use of tags will help you save time. These tags, or what is commonly called metadata, will be the key to searching for domains more efficiently. Metadata can be the year it was created, the creator’s name, the expiration date, etc. For example, if you are searching for a domain that will expire next month, you can just search for the month of expiry, and the domains with the information you were looking for will then appear for you to access.

It is also beneficial that you create a model for the metadata. Have a standard on what information and tags should be included for each asset. This way, no detail will be forgotten and searching will be an ease. This will not only help you, but also other potential buyers that you may have given access to certain digital assets in your system. 

Manage user access

Since digital asset management is also about securing and maintaining control of your domains and other digital assets, it is important that you recognize who among the users are allowed to have access to your domains. This is one of the advantages of using DAM.

You have the ability to decide and authorize user access to your files. Identify the users of your DAM and their roles in the system. Determine who among them can be given the right to view, modify, archive, or manage your domains. User access management within DAM is crucial to maintain the security of your assets. 

Create a workflow

After you have established the users of your DAM, the next thing to do is to build a workflow. Digital asset management provides collaboration tools to have tasks run smoothly between users. Customize a workflow for your digital assets. You may be building a logo for your domain, then create a workflow for that. You may be producing content for your landing page, then create a workflow for that. You may have a domain to sell, create a workflow for that.

Developing a workflow is the routing of your assets for different tasks like editing, verifying, approving, and so forth. Your digital assets and domains require collaboration for it to progress. In having the apt workflow for each of them, you are sure that it is being received by the right user and being routed next to the correct user. As a result, no step is skipped, and no unnecessary user is being handed a task he is not assigned to do. By defining a workflow, projects going stagnant will also be prevented. 

Standardize a naming format

Having several users of your DAM, filenames can be confusing if not set to a standard. Make a standard form on naming files before they upload them in DAM. This will create a more systematic and structured setup. This will save time and effort in searching for certain files within your system. 

Designate a digital asset management manager

Just like in other businesses, owners usually assign a manager to do the work for them. So if you think that you don’t have the time to monitor your digital asset management system, it is best to have an asset manager.

The manager will be responsible for the user access control, for maintaining the structure of your labels, names, and folder, for analyzing your digital content, and for keeping the workflow in order.  When something goes amiss, you only have one person to turn to and find the error for you. The same thing for the users, they will have a go-to person when they have some concerns or inquiries regarding the system or the assets in it.

Take advantage of the analytics

One of the most important digital asset management tools is analytics. It is one of the most useful features of DAM. It gives you information of who accesses your assets, including your domains, from where they were accessed, when they were accessed, what digital channels were used, etc.

The advantage of this is, it will help you evaluate your workflow as well. If there are certain areas in the workflow that are unnecessary and can be omitted, or if there are certain users that should be added in it. On the other hand, by having domain usage information of users outside your team, you will have the benefit of knowing the larger part of your user scale. You may then know where to focus your efforts in terms of marketing your domains.

This feature will basically give you the leverage of knowing how to improve, not only your system, but also your domains, for internal and external users. By using analytics, you will have the data to assist you in adjusting your digital content, creating strategies, and other decision-making tasks.

Conduct system training and refreshers

Having a team that would help you with your domain investing business is common for established domain investors. These people will be users of your digital asset management software. To maintain the quality and consistency of the workflow, you need to conduct training and refreshers for users within your business.

This is to remind them of their roles and make them aware of any changes that may happen. This would keep them on the loop on any updates and progress you may be having. These refreshers will also help in keeping them focused on your business goals. Remember that DAM is the central source for you and your users. For this reason, they must remain qualified in accessing the system. 


Using DAM is valuable for domain owners to manage digital assets effectively. The factors mentioned above will assist you in maintaining the quality of your portfolio. File clutter is prevented and the difficulty of monitoring your domains is now a thing from the past. Collaboration becomes easy and you will be able to spot irregularities in their early stages before they turn into huge errors. Plus, it does not only benefit you in having an organized filing system and workflow, but also helps users beyond your team to access your domains in a user-friendly manner.

Having a smooth user experience (UX) is significant in customer engagement. This may lead you to more sales from return buyers and interest from other potential purchasers. It develops a good image for you in the domain investing industry as well. Maximize your DAM investment, minimize your efforts, and turn those domains into their optimal value. 

But since there are several digital asset management systems available, you must also choose the one that best fits your vision. Don’t settle for the first one you see online. Weigh your options. Study their features and see if it suits your business goals. 

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